October 19, 2011

Media Training for Occupy Denver Protesters

We love that people are waking from their television-induced zombie state and care enough to try to spread their word. However, watching media coverage of protests can be painful. The news will get an interview of the one person who’s just been abducted by a UFO and smells like cats. For us, having the Occupy […]

We love that people are waking from their television-induced zombie state and care enough to try to spread their word. However, watching media coverage of protests can be painful. The news will get an interview of the one person who’s just been abducted by a UFO and smells like cats. For us, having the Occupy Denver protest going on just minutes away was just too tempting. But we needed a purpose: something that would make us more than just another crew sniffing out the cat lady. From that was born OCCUPY DENVER MEDIA TRAINING.

Be honest protesters, one major flaw with any protest gathering is the message is rarely unified and coherent. Yes, it’s lame that we live in a 5-second soundbite world, but it’s what we’ve got for now. We wanted to help.

And now the haters. The days of the benevolent, grandfather-like Walter Cronkite are long gone. Nowadays media personalities are going for blood, and Nancy Grace’s slot on CNN. How do you handle this? With practice.

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