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October 03, 2023

3 Easy Ways to Get Started Reselling Domains

In the US, domain name reselling is estimated to be a 6.7 billion dollar industry. With a continued growth of 4% since 2017 and a projected increase to 7% by 2026, it’s no surprise that companies are tapping into this market to capture some of this revenue. Fortunately, doing so is easier than you may think.

3 Easy Ways to Get Started Reselling Domains

In the US, domain name reselling is estimated to be a 6.7 billion dollar industry. With a continued growth of 4% since 2017 and a projected increase to 7% by 2026, it’s no surprise that companies are tapping into this market to capture some of this revenue. Fortunately, doing so is easier than you may think. 

Domain services are a natural extension of many online solutions. In particular, domain reselling allows SaaS platforms and B2B service providers of all sizes and industries to offer a highly relevant add-on to their target audience—without making a significant up-front investment. 

By incorporating domain resale services into your existing purchase flow, you can enrich the value of your current offerings and incentivize customers with a convenient, end-to-end experience that differentiates you from competitors. And, because domain resale solutions are designed to fit effortlessly with your current offerings, you can get started immediately.

What Is a Domain Reseller?

Domain resellers offer domain name registration services within their platform, helping customers find, register, and manage domain names. B2B and SaaS platforms across several sectors can benefit from rolling domain resale into their offerings, particularly if they’re already helping their customers establish themselves online. 

Ultimately, as a domain reseller, you can complement your core offerings by providing a convenient way for your customers to build a digital presence with their unique domain name. 

What Are the Benefits of Domain Reselling?

Reselling domains allows you to attract a growing market of 60 million potential domain shoppers each month. actively seeking the powerful branding support of a unique domain name for their digital platforms. 

The core benefits include:

  • Differentiating your business from competitors by engaging your customers with integrated domain search, registration, and management.
  • Providing an end-to-end solution that keeps customers in your purchase flow and eliminates the common pain points of managing third-party domains.
  • Increasing free-trial conversions by incorporating domains into your paid product offerings (especially if you offer free use of a domain during a trial period).

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Domain Reselling Solution

As a domain reseller, you work with a domain services provider to facilitate purchasing and managing their domain names. When choosing a service provider to partner with, it’s important to consider how their domain solutions complement your goals as a business. As you research reseller solutions, consider these key factors:

  • Customization capabilities – Quality providers offer customization options for a more seamless experience for you and your customers.
  • Scalability and future revenue generation – Look for providers that can grow with your business through enhanced integration options or potential revenue streams.
  • Security – Reputable domain service providers offer secure checkout options to protect both you and your customers.
  • Technical knowledge – A knowledgeable product support team can help you handle more complex integrations for your platform., an Identity Digital company, is a domain name reselling solution that offers customization, scalability, security, and advanced technical knowledge. Its intuitive, user-friendly platform makes it easy for your customers to find and register the perfect domain names for their websites. 

Additionally, by offering the widest selection of descriptive domains, like .studio, .shop, and .biz, at competitive prices, provides your customers an innovative way to stand out, establish their online presence, and increase their revenue. 

And, because it integrates seamlessly with trusted registrars and payment gateways, the entire domain purchase process can occur without disrupting your customer experience. 

How to Get Started with Domain Reselling offers three ways to enter the domain reselling sphere, whether you’re curious about a quick-start solution or ready to commit to a custom integration for your platform. 

1. External Landing Pages

Incorporating external landing pages into your checkout process is the fastest way to get started with domain resale. You can direct your customers to a co-branded landing page where customers complete the domain registration process and link the domain to their account before returning to your site.

These landing pages already feature domain name availability and pricing, meaning you can start reselling domains without making major changes to your platform. And, with a built-in checkout process, landing page integrations offer a quick, convenient way for your customers to take advantage of your domain name services.

2. iFrame Integration

iFrame integration allows you to embed’s resale services directly into your platform. This low-code solution integrates the domain search, purchase, and linking process without disrupting your existing site experience. This means customers don’t have to navigate away from your site to:

  • Sign up for a domain add-on 
  • Link their domain during website publishing

With just a few lines of code, you can connect your customers with a vast selection of domain names while keeping them fully engaged in your sales funnel. 

3. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

While both landing pages and iFrame connect your customers to’s domain registration platform, a custom API lets you create a personalized interface within your website. This advanced solution gives you complete freedom over how customers find and purchase domains on your platform. 

Using’s RESTful API, you can offer your customers a full suite of domain services, including advanced features like:

  • DNS management 
  • Domain transfers

And, because you can set your custom pricing with an API, your domain reselling has the potential to provide a new revenue stream for your business. 

Explore Domain Resale with

Whether you start with a landing page, integrate with an iFrame, or dive right in with a custom API, becoming a domain reseller adds instant value to your platform. After all, a customer’s domain name is synonymous with their digital identity—as a domain name provider, your platform becomes integrally linked with your customers’ branding. 

To discover how becoming a domain reseller can revitalize your platform, connect with domain service experts at today.


IbisWorld. Web Domain Name Sales in the US – Market Size 2003–2028. 

PR Newswire. Global Domain Names Market Report 2022: Market to Reach 557.7 Million Domain Names Registered by 2026 from 379.2 Million in 2020.–301525981.html 

Comscore Media Metrix Data (May, June, & July 2023)

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