October 10, 2011

Netflix Saturday Night Live Bit Inspires valuable Domain advice

We’ve seen some pretty good jokes come out of the Netflix/Qwikster debacle. Weird Al Yankovic weighed in on Twitter with, “Next time Netflix wants to make a rash, impulsive decision, maybe they should just buy a puppy or get a tattoo. #RIPQwikster.” You know you’ve screwed up when Weird Al is attacking. Of course the […]

We’ve seen some pretty good jokes come out of the Netflix/Qwikster debacle. Weird Al Yankovic weighed in on Twitter with, “Next time Netflix wants to make a rash, impulsive decision, maybe they should just buy a puppy or get a tattoo. #RIPQwikster.” You know you’ve screwed up when Weird Al is attacking.

Of course the venerable newspaper The Onion unloaded on the online video behemoth. Their headline reads, “Netflix Switches Over to Convenient New Physical Locations,” but the best spin comes from domain blogger Chef Patrick. Instead of being critical, he drops some knowledge. Here are some of the lessons he gleans from the SNL bit below:

  1. Don’t forget to renew (auto renew) your valuable domain names.
  2. Buy easy to spell and pronounce domain names, nothing too tricky.
  3. Secure your developed brand by purchasing available typos.
Ok, now be entertained…

When something’s entertaining and informational all at once, it’s like a healthy meal that you actually like. Thank you Chef!

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