December 28, 2011

It ain’t about the transfer: Stopping SOPA and Giving Back

Yes, we’d love for you to transfer your domains to But that’s not what this is about. The issue at hand is the ‘Net. The great wide open for new ideas, for visionaries, and thought so free it could spread its wings and lift us all off the ground. Yes, I just said that, […]

Yes, we’d love for you to transfer your domains to But that’s not what this is about. The issue at hand is the ‘Net. The great wide open for new ideas, for visionaries, and thought so free it could spread its wings and lift us all off the ground. Yes, I just said that, but it’s easy to get sappy about the importance of the Internet. Why not? Look what it has done for communication, for innovation and for personal freedom around the world. Now everyone has a megaphone that’s as big as they want to make it.

Here’s how we’re going to use the Internet to turn up the volume on SOPA.

You can help remind Congress just how bad SOPA is AND support organizations that love the Internet the way it is. Here’s how:

Step 1: Go to this page:
Step 2: Share our message on Twitter

That’s it. When you do that on December 29th, then we’ll donate 5 cents to the cause of your choice. Just do what you do everyday by sharing on the social webs, and we give money to incredible people who fight the good fight. Now get on it. We’re counting on the power of YOU.

If in addition to tweeting your support you’d like to vote with your feet and move to the home of the world’s greatest support, then use promo code “STOPSOPA” for 10% off your transfers and 40% off our incredible hosting.

For more information on how to transfer then click here.

If you’d like to feel really, really good about your own sense of rhythm, then watch this:

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