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October 07, 2015

.LIVE: Share the now

With today’s technology we receive our information faster than ever. A news story that started as a single Tweet or photograph can make headlines within minutes. And better yet, anyone with access to a smartphone and the internet is capable of breaking news. If you want to share something that’s happening right at that very moment with […]

With today’s technology we receive our information faster than ever. A news story that started as a single Tweet or photograph can make headlines within minutes. And better yet, anyone with access to a smartphone and the internet is capable of breaking news. If you want to share something that’s happening right at that very moment with your followers, it’s all at your fingertips.

Live streaming is on the rise, with sites like Periscope, Meerkat, and Twitch offering users the ability to share experiences with followers as they happen. But if live streaming is a major part of your brand or online presence, do you really want your users going to a third-party URL to partake in your streams? Probably not.

New Domains offer an alternative solution to this issue. The domain .LIVE, which is currently in sunrise, will go into early access on Oct. 21, 2015, and general availability as of Oct. 28, 2015. Websites and URLs that use .LIVE will open new doors for those who are looking for a branded way to share live broadcasts with followers.

How can you use .LIVE?

.LIVE will be available for anyone to register—meaning you can use it for a variety of purposes. Although the possibilities are limitless, here’s a few ideas about how you can take advantage of a .LIVE domain.

  • If you host one or multiple live streams on your website, you can use a .LIVE domain to direct web visitors to that particular area. This makes it easier for people to navigate to specific parts of your website without having to deal with a messy URL (i.e. rather than
  • If you already use a third-party website to host your live streaming events, you may not want to make the transition to hosting it on your own website. That’s no problem! Use .LIVE to create a short, memorable domain that forwards to your live stream profile.
  • .LIVE isn’t restricted to only live streaming. Bands or traveling performances can use a .LIVE website to share information about tours and performance dates.
  • Have some fun with your URL! Think of how popular names and phrases can take advantage of a .LIVE domain:,, or

Preorder a .live domain

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