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February 22, 2024

Comodo SSL: Ultimate Multi-Domain Security |

Data security is a top concern for any website, but it’s especially critical for ones that handle sensitive data, like credit card details or customer contact information. If your platform collects, stores, or handles any type of sensitive information, implementing security protocols like SSL certification can ensure your and your customers’ data is secure. In turn, your customers can browse your site with confidence and your brand can earn and maintain a stellar reputation.

Sectigo Comodo SSL: Ultimate Multi-Domain Security

Data security is a top concern for any website, but it’s especially critical for ones that handle sensitive data, like credit card details or customer contact information. If your platform collects, stores, or handles any type of sensitive information, implementing security protocols like SSL certification can ensure your and your customers’ data is secure. In turn, your customers can browse your site with confidence and your brand can earn and maintain a stellar reputation. 

If you’re curious to learn more about protecting your web connections, there are several types of SSL certificates you can use, including secure, versatile options from Comodo SSL. 

Understanding Comodo SSL certificates

Comodo is a cybersecurity company and certificate authority that offers SSL certification solutions, including Comodo Essential SSL and Comodo Essential SSL Wildcard and offers 3 versions: Instant, Premium, and Extended Validation. These SSL certificates encrypt any data transmitted through your platform, protecting the connection between your server and your customers’ web browsers. 

By encrypting data, SSL certificates allow you to safely process sensitive details, such as:

  • Payment information
  • Login credentials
  • Customer contact details

How does this process work?

Comodo SSL Certificates use industry-standard 256-bit encryption to provide a virtually unbreachable level of security for any data transmitted through your site.

Both the standard certificate and the Wildcard version are domain validated (DV) certificates, meaning that Comodo verifies that you own your site. By going through this verification process, you help uphold the legitimacy of your platform and build trust with your visitors.

What’s the difference between the standard and the Wildcard versions?

The Comodo Essential SSL certificate is a Single Domain SSL certificate, meaning that it allows Comodo to certify one domain name. If you have a website with subdomains, you can secure the Comodo Essential Wildcard SSL certificate, which offers protection for any subdomain affiliated with your primary domain name. 

Advantages of Comodo SSL for businesses

Comodo SSL equips businesses with the tools they need to create a secure platform for their customers. Businesses can use their SSL certification status to establish their credibility online and demonstrate to their customers that data privacy is a top concern.  An SSL certificate also enables businesses to safely process transactions and conduct business online within the bounds of data security regulations.

Both small businesses and larger enterprises can rely on Comodo SSL to authenticate information sent on their servers and protect their customer information. Comodo SSL provides Single Domain and Wildcard certificates for businesses that operate under one primary domain name, with or without subdomains. Comodo also provides Multi-Domain certificates to validate the identity of companies that may operate across multiple websites and domain names.

Comodo SSL Wildcard: protecting multiple subdomains

The Comodo Wildcard SSL certificate is one certificate that can apply to unlimited subdomains within a main domain. This application is ideal for sites that use subdomains to organize their content or offer specialized services. Content and services may include: 

  • Education blogs
  • News reports
  • Online shops
  • Email services 

The Comodo Wildcard SSL certificate can also support companies that have separate sections of their website for internal functions, such as company hiring boards, support pages, or administrative pages.

Wildcard SSL certificates are designated with an asterisk in the certificate to indicate their ability to cover any first-level subdomain. For example, the SSL certificate for * could secure subdomains like,, and

Choosing between Comodo Essential SSL and Wildcard

Comodo Essential SSL and Comodo Wildcard certificates are both compatible with most browsers and offer the same level of powerful encryption. The main distinction is the Wildcard certificate’s ability to protect subdomains. 

To that end, when deciding between the two, ask yourself the following questions: 

  • Do I currently have subdomains that I need to protect?
  • Do I expect my site to expand with subdomains in the future?

If you answer yes to either of these questions, it’s a smart idea to choose a Comodo Wildcard certificate, even if you won’t use it to encrypt subdomains until later down the line.

Implementing Comodo SSL with

To streamline the process, you can secure your SSL certificate directly through the platform when setting up your website hosting. Simply purchase the certificate add-on, then activate the certificate through the products dashboard. 

List the domain name or subdomains that you want to protect, then update your DNS settings to activate the certificate on your site. You can also reach out for support from the team at any point throughout the setup process for troubleshooting assistance.

Secure your SSL certificate on

By safeguarding your website with an SSL certificate, you can build your digital presence on a secure foundation, making that much easier to attract an audience base and earn a positive reputation. Additionally, picking an SSL certificate that aligns with the scope of your platform can allow you to confidently grow your business while handling customer data responsibly. 

To get started, explore Comodo’s SSL Certificate offerings on today.


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