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January 12, 2024

5 Ways to Improve The User Experience on Your Platform

According to Zippia, 89% of people have switched to a competitor’s website after having a poor user experience. Modern consumers have a wide range of options regarding platforms and service providers, making it easy to choose a competing brand when faced with a roadblock in their purchasing journey.

5 Ways to Improve the User Experience on Your Platform

According to Zippia, 89% of people have switched to a competitor’s website after having a poor user experience. Modern consumers have a wide range of options regarding platforms and service providers, making it easy to choose a competing brand when faced with a roadblock in their purchasing journey. 

In fact, 70% of customers abandon online shopping carts due to poor user experience, demonstrating the direct impact of UX on revenue and customer loyalty.

By designing your platform with convenience and ease of use in mind, you can eliminate pain points and position your platform as a frictionless solution for your target audience. Implementing the five best practices below can help you create a streamlined user experience that fosters engagement with your customers, allowing you to capture more sales and enhance overall customer satisfaction. 

1. Optimize Platform Navigation

In order for consumers to engage with your platform successfully, they must be able to easily navigate to the content they’re seeking. An intuitive navigation system should effortlessly guide your customers through the platform, limiting the amount of time they spend searching for a certain feature or page. 

But user-friendly navigation is more than just a menu on your homepage—there are several components of your platform that can help guide your visitors. 

Clear Labels

The headers and buttons on your website act as signposts that your customers can use to navigate your platform. Clearly label each one with a brief, straightforward description of the content in that section. Use plain language and avoid jargon to ensure that the average visitor can find critical information easily. 

Logical Organization System

The taxonomy of your website—or the way you classify pages on your site into subsections—has a direct impact on how users explore your platform. Grouping similar pages together into the same sub-sections encourages visitors to organically explore the platform. 

For example, you may put your site’s blog, instructional videos, and white papers all under a ‘Knowledge Base’ tab on your website. Within the ‘Blog’ tab, customers could explore posts grouped by topic. 

Prominent Search Bar

Research indicates that 69% of online consumers immediately look for a search bar when visiting an online shop—and 80% of those customers have left a site because the search experience was inadequate. 

Including a search bar at the top of your page gives your customers the option to forego your site’s navigation altogether and find content about a specific topic right away. 

Limited Menu Items

Avoid overwhelming customers by providing them with a streamlined main menu. Focus on the pages and categories that are most frequently used or that include core information for your brand. A basic menu prevents customers from becoming overwhelmed by the number of choices available while still directing them to relevant content.

Sticky Menu

Consider adding a sticky menu that remains visible as customers scroll or navigate to different pages. Sticky menus can simplify the navigation process and help your site visitors quickly move between relevant pages. Additionally, by allowing your customers to collapse or expand the menu as needed, you can provide them with a convenient experience while also reducing visual noise on your platform.

Visual Cues

Visual cues are design elements that highlight essential information. Contrasting colors, hover effects, arrows, or carefully placed white space can all direct visitors to certain areas of your platform. 

By effectively utilizing visual cues, you can make it easier for customers to recognize clickable or interactive elements of your interface. 

2. Implement User-Friendly Features

Enrich the customer experience by adding features that make using your platform easier or more enjoyable. These features can include:

Responsive Designs

Implement responsive designs to include dynamic elements on your platform that automatically scale depending on the customer’s device. In other words, fonts and images will increase or decrease in size to give site visitors the optimal layout for readability. 

Thus, responsive designs allow customers to view your site on any device, from large monitors to small phone screens. 

Quick Loading Times

Most online shoppers are used to websites and applications that respond to input almost instantly. Fortunately, you can minimize your own platform’s loading times by:

  • Using the right level of compression for any multimedia 
  • Avoiding third-party scripts that can place an extra load on your site’s servers

Easy-to-Find Contact and Support Information 

Prominently displaying your company’s contact information makes it easy for customers to seek help if they do experience any issues. Clearly explain support options and feature any content that could provide instant assistance, such as an FAQ page or help center blog. 

Features like live chat can also keep customers engaged and encourage them to remain on the platform while they work to resolve an issue. 

Clear Calls to Action

Calls-to-action (CTAs) are a straightforward way to direct customers toward a specific action. When adding a CTA to a button, widget, or blog, be concise and use action-oriented language. 

Additionally, it’s important to strategically place your CTAs in areas where it makes sense for a customer to follow the suggestion of the CTA, such as at the end of a blog.

3. Provide Helpful Content and Resources

Offering an exceptional user experience isn’t just about having a well-curated interface. It also involves educating your users on how to get the most out of your platform through these resources:

Comprehensive User Guides and Tutorials

Provide customers with a walkthrough of your services and products by posting detailed guides that they can download or view within the platform. These guides can empower customers to troubleshoot issues independently or become more familiar with your platform. 

Platform Onboarding Tips

Keep customers within your purchase flow by guiding them through the onboarding process with helpful tips. Frontloading educational content during onboarding will help set your customers up for success as they use the platform. 

Customer Success Stories and Testimonials

Predominantly displaying customer success stories and testimonials can help new customers understand the true value of your offerings. Reviews and case studies make it easy for potential customers to research how your brand has positively impacted similar users. 

For example, sharing testimonials from customers who had a positive experience finding and registering a domain name within your platform helps promote your domain name services and establishes you as an authority in the field.

4. Simplify Onboarding and Implementation

When potential customers are ready to commit to your products and services, you can ensure that they follow through by offering a convenient onboarding process that includes the following:

Step-by-Step Integration Guides

When creating your onboarding guides and resources, consider breaking down core processes into simple steps. A step-by-step approach ensures that customers with limited experience can move through the onboarding process effortlessly. 

You can also add video tutorials or screenshots to clarify your instructions and directly demonstrate how to access and use essential features. 

Documentation Resources 

Build a centralized knowledge base that contains any technical documentation, user manuals, or FAQs for your platform. You can empower your customers to troubleshoot issues independently by making product documentation easy to access. 

Automated Domain Linking 

Many digital platforms can enhance their UX by offering domain services that simplify the publishing process for their customers. When customers can find, link, and manage domain names without leaving your platform, they can conveniently set up a valuable digital asset that complements your services. 

Identity Digital offers a range of solutions for integrated domain services, including no-code affiliate landing pages, a low-code iFrame integration, and a fully custom, cohesive API. 

Getting started with Identity Digital domain services also allows you to differentiate your business from competitors while providing a high-value product that enhances your overall user experience. 

5. Streamline the Domain Search and Registration Process as a Full-Service Platform

As a domain reseller, you can offer your customers an end-to-end experience that provides the key elements and features they need to design and launch a website. In other words, integrating domain services into your platform allows you to become a full-service provider who makes optimal customer support readily available. 

Offering domain services also enhances your UX through these several avenues:

  • Efficient domain search – Integrating domain search into your platform can help your customers find relevant, available domain names without visiting a third-party registrar or browsing through lengthy lists of available domain names.
  • Real-time availability check – Because your domain interface is connected to your registrar, customers can instantly check the availability of desired domain names without extensive waiting or loading times. 
  • Simple registration process – In-platform domain services allow customers to search for a domain, purchase it, and link it to their website in one seamless process. 
  • One-click renewals and transfers – Once your customers secure their domain names, they can manage domain ownership with just a click. The simple renewal process reduces friction for long-term customers—in turn supporting brand loyalty.

Support Your UX With Identity Digital Domain Services

Creating a customer-centric platform involves providing tools and services that enhance the user experience on your platform, such as domain search, registration, and management. Integrating domain reselling services into your platform also streamlines the user experience as your customers establish their digital identities. 

And, because domain names have lasting value to your customers’ digital brands, they foster ongoing engagement with your platform while enriching your platform’s functionality and cultivating an intuitive user experience. 

To learn more about how you can improve your customer experience through domain reselling partnership opportunities, visit today.



Zippia. 25+ USEFUL USER EXPERIENCE STATISTICS [2023]: WHAT IS THE VALUE OF UX?,experience%20annoys%2048%25%20of%20users
Enterprise Times. Research says 69% of online shoppers go straight to search bar, 80% leave due to a poor experience.,due%20to%20bad%20search%20experiences.%E2%80%9D

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