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December 19, 2023

5 Creative Ways to Leverage AI as a Small Business in 2024

While the concept of AI may still sound futuristic to some, up to 83% of small businesses are already using AI in 2023. And with 65% of small businesses seeking new applications for AI, the adoption of artificial intelligence technologies is likely to keep trending into 2024 and beyond.

5 Creative Ways to Leverage AI as a Small Business in 2024

While the concept of AI may still sound futuristic to some, up to 83% of small businesses are already using AI in 2023. And with 65% of small businesses seeking new applications for AI, the adoption of artificial intelligence technologies is likely to keep trending into 2024 and beyond. 

Fortunately, entrepreneurs can leverage the AI revolution across all areas of their operations, from increasing customer satisfaction rates to improving their product development processes. Get started by exploring innovative ways to implement AI into your business model. 

For entrepreneurs in the AI space, the popular .ai TLD is the go to extension for businesses in this emerging industry. Because of its popularity, names are going fast, so lock down your .ai domain name using‘s domain search today. 

1. Enhance the customer experience with AI chatbots

Chatbots have existed for decades, but they’ve recently undergone a complete overhaul with the introduction of generative AI and natural language processing models. Now, AI chatbots can do much more than spit out pre-programmed responses. Today,  they consider the context of customers’ questions and requests to deliver accurate answers in a way that’s easy for the average person to understand.

You can also train intelligent AI chatbots on your data to ensure your customers get accurate, relevant information for their queries. Cutting-edge AI chatbots continue to learn and evolve from feedback, so each customer interaction helps train your bot to give better answers. 

And, because the latest generation of chatbots is designed to mimic human speech patterns, they make your customers feel more comfortable with a helpful, conversational tone. Equipped with a smart chatbot, you can offer instant customer support that provides them with genuine value.

2. Boost productivity by automating manual tasks

Effectively automating manual tasks frees up your resources and reduces your labor costs, allowing you and your team to focus on high-level responsibilities. AI tools now can target some of the most time-consuming aspects of running a business, from managing accounting data to drafting email replies. 

Consider how you can engage AI technology to handle repetitive manual tasks in your business, such as:

  • Planning timelines
  • Conducting research 
  • Tracking financial transactions
  • Auditing data
  • Updating client or lead contact information
  • Scheduling meetings

3. Create relevant content across web platforms

Generative chat and search bots have transformed the world of content creation. You can generate almost any document by simply feeding a basic prompt into an AI chatbot. Additionally, AI content generation tools can: 

  • Produce drafts of documents 
  • Adjust the tone of an existing piece
  • Provide prompts and ideas for posts on various platforms

By leveraging generative AI tools, you can more easily tailor your content for different social channels or specific customer segments. 

In fact, with the proper prompts, you can request emails, newsletters, social posts, or web copy that aligns with your brand’s voice. You can then combine AI content creation software with other AI tools to upload your posts or send emails timely.

Remember to review content results carefully for originality and accuracy – this is critical for ethically creating AI content. Being transparent about using AI in your content is key to building trusting, authentic relationships with your customers and becoming more efficient as a business. 

4. Analyze customer data to increase personalization

Because AI is designed to look for patterns, it’s the ideal tool for data analysis. Feeding customer data into AI modeling tools can help you learn more about your target audience, allowing for enhanced personalization. 

In fact, AI can collect your business data, identify core customer segments, and then create tailored messages that target those segments. 

By connecting various AI tools, you can generate fully personalized marketing campaigns that function autonomously. You’ll be able to hone in on specific customer pain points and address them through your marketing. 

Additionally, AI can personalize the messaging for your marketing campaigns and help the right advertisements reach their intended audience. 

5. Guide customers through the purchase funnel 

AI technology can improve your sales process by identifying the ideal methods and timelines for connecting with potential customers. For instance, AI can determine which emails your customers are most likely to engage with and then send those messages out at the optimal time. 

By leveraging AI marketing tools, you can strategically follow up with customers and continue guiding them through the sales funnel. This tactic can help you capture new customers and generate renewed engagement with your existing consumer base. 

Build a home base for automation with

Leveraging the power of AI starts with a solid digital identity and infrastructure. With the proper foundation, you can easily incorporate AI tools and train them on your business’s information. 

Begin digitizing your small business by claiming a custom domain name with Once you have your branded website and email in place, you can start unlocking new ways to strengthen your business with AI. 

QuickBooks Blog. AI Survey: Small businesses are embracing artificial intelligence.

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