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February 22, 2024

How to build your online consulting career with .consulting

As a consultant, your job is to provide valuable expertise and guidance to others. To effectively connect with your target audience and cultivate trust in your abilities, you must establish yourself as an authority in your field.

As a consultant, your job is to provide valuable expertise and guidance to others. To effectively connect with your target audience and cultivate trust in your abilities, you must establish yourself as an authority in your field.

With so many consultants connecting with clients online, demonstrating your professionalism with a branded domain name and website is a great way to start.

The .consulting domain extension was created specifically for consultants, allowing them to signal the purpose of their site to potential clients instantly. Unlike a traditional .com domain, a .consulting domain can help lay the groundwork for your consulting career by strengthening your brand, showcasing your expertise, and connecting you with clients who need your services.

What is the .consulting domain extension?

The .consulting domain is a custom, descriptive top-level domain (TLD) for consultants and independent consulting firms. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which oversees domain extensions, made .consulting available as a domain name extension in 2014 along with hundreds of other descriptive TLDs, like .associates, in their gTLD program*.

As a professional TLD, .consulting allows consultants to showcase their profession through their web address instantly. Instead of using a classic TLD like .com, consultants can choose .consulting to create a streamlined, targeted domain name that’s custom-built for the consulting field. For example, a consultant named Sarah Adams can use the web address to build professional expertise directly in her domain name.

The benefits of custom domains for consultants

A custom domain name with a .consulting extension can become a core element of your digital identity regardless of whether you’re just starting out or have an established business and want to strengthen your online presence.

Your website’s domain name is the entryway to your online presence, sharing important information about you and your services. By referencing consulting directly in your domain name, you can maximize the impact of your domain name on your customers and your business.

Explore the key advantages of having a custom .consulting domain name below.

Optimize your web address

A .consulting domain extension allows you to maximize the impact of each character in your domain name—on both sides of the dot. With an industry-specific, descriptive domain extension, you can use your web address to let anyone know that you’re a consultant with just a passing glance.

Having ‘consulting’ as a keyword in your domain extension also gives you more freedom and flexibility when selecting your domain name. For example, a consultant named Katy Lawson may want to use her name to represent her business. With a domain name like, she can maintain her brand while indicating to clients that she’s a consultant. Without the specificity of the .consulting domain extension, customers may simply pass over her website instead of clicking through to learn more about her consulting services.

When it comes time to choose a domain name to pair with your .consulting extension, keep in mind that the most effective domain names are:

  • Concise
  • Memorable
  • Easy to relay verbally (i.e. it’s best not to use numbers or words that have alternate spellings)

By following these guidelines, you have the power to boost brand recognition for your consulting business and make your site link more enticing to potential customers.

Showcase your authority

Professional TLDs like .consulting can act as a badge that indicates your involvement in a particular field. Establishing your authority and expertise is essential in any career path, but it’s especially critical for consultants who offer their unique professional perspectives as a service.

To that end, securing a .consulting extension for your site shows your dedication to your profession and positions you as a specialist with valuable insights to share.

But your .consulting domain name doesn’t just reinforce your qualifications to clients. It also allows you to connect with other voices in your industry. By branding your website with a .consulting domain extension, you can make it easier for other consultants to find and engage with your content. A solid digital network can uplift your voice and give you even more credibility as you expand your consulting services.

Connect with your audience

How your website’s url appears on search engines, social media, and other platforms can directly impact your ability to attract qualified leads. Having .consulting as part of your domain name can make connecting with people actively seeking consulting services easier. An individual may be more likely to click on a link when the domain name indicates they’ll receive valuable information from a qualified consultant.

With a .consulting domain extension, you can use your web address to advertise your services, even if someone simply shares a blog post or other content from your site. Additionally, anyone in their network who sees that link will be able to recognize that it’s coming from a knowledgeable consultant, encouraging them to click through and further explore your services.

How to launch your consulting career online with .consulting

Your website allows you to use the web to advertise your services, attract qualified leads, and connect with clients conveniently and efficiently. Start leveraging the internet to kickstart your consulting business by implementing these best practices:

Identify your niche

Before investing in your online presence, hone in on the niche you want to serve. A thorough understanding of your niche will make curating a digital identity that speaks to your target audience easier. If you’re still working on narrowing your focus, consider brainstorming what elements of your experience and qualifications set you apart from competitors. The unique value you bring to clients with your professional history can help inform your specialty. Then, consider the popular topics within your niche and start thinking how to build them into your website’s domain name, content, and branding.

Secure your custom domain name

Select a domain name that represents your brand or your services. You can lean into having a keyword-focused domain name by pairing your .consulting TLD with a descriptive domain name. Or, you can choose a domain name that matches your business name or brand.

Regardless of your chosen strategy, ensure that your domain name is concise, memorable, and easy for your clients to share verbally. Here are a few examples of different approaches to using a .consulting domain name:


You may also consider registering multiple domain names to secure your brand’s online presence fully. For example, you may secure a .consulting and a .com domain name, which direct to the same website to capture as much traffic as possible. You could also explore other descriptive domain extensions depending on how you want to position yourself within the consulting space. Some alternative options include:

Another avenue is to pick another industry-specific TLD that references the type of consulting you offer, such as .finanical or .tech.

Build your website

Design a polished website with an easy-to-use website-building tool. Through, you can secure your domain name, link it to a free Wix website, and manage both assets on one convenient platform. Additionally, Wix offers specialized templates tailored specifically for consultants.

To enhance your website’s appeal, consider:

  • Listing your services
  • Sharing testimonials from clients
  • Displaying case studies
  • Implementing a contact form and online scheduling so that potential clients can easily reach out and engage you

Remember to use strong calls to action throughout your site to keep visitors engaged and guide them through your sales funnel.

Set up a Business Email & Google Workspace

After registering your domain name and creating a professional website, it’s time to secure a trusted, professional email provider. Benefit from a powerful business email address and enjoy a versatile, best-in-class email solution. With Titan Email, you can create an email address that reflects your domain name, such as KatyLawson@consulting. You’ll have access to a robust email hosting solution designed to meet the demands of your consultancy.

Tools like Google Workspace can also help you with productivity and collaboration tools as your business grows. For instance, use Workspace’s calendar function to keep track of any client appointments you schedule through your site.

Create branded content

Further showcase your value as a consultant by producing content that demonstrates your knowledge, passion, and perspective. Write articles, create infographics, or produce videos about popular topics within your niche.

Posting shareable content on your website can elevate your voice and strengthen your credibility as a consultant, helping you reach new audiences that may be interested in your services.

Redirect from social media

Sign up for business social media accounts that you can use to drive traffic to your site. Prominently feature your domain name on all your social media content to make it easy for your followers to discover your website.

Engaging with your followers on multiple channels can strengthen brand awareness and attract more clients.

Kickstart your consulting business with

In the modern digital age, being strategic about your online presence is crucial to your success as a consultant. Your website and other digital platforms represent your qualifications, giving potential clients insight into your knowledge and skills.

When you secure a .consulting domain name with, you can build your consulting brand professionally and foster immediate trust.

Explore domain name options with’s .consulting domain names. Then, leverage’s website-building tools to craft your custom site.

source: ICANN Wiki. .consulting.

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